Pet Skin Growth Removals

Almost any tumor can be removed while you’re unconscious. The use of general anesthesia is highly recommended for large, deep, or spreading masses.

Why remove skin masses?

  • They may be cancerous
  • They are chronically infected (common with cysts)
  • They bother the pet
  • They get nicked when the pet is groomed
  • The pet scratches or licks at them

What types of tumors can be removed?

Almost any tumor can be removed while you’re unconscious. The use of general anesthesia is highly recommended for large, deep, or spreading masses. Certain types of pets, as well as masses on the ears or close to the eyes, may require anesthesia.

At Pet Derm, we specialize in administering a local nerve block to remove minor superficial tumors without the need for general anesthesia. Sebaceous adenomas are the most frequent masses that we remove. Although these are non-cancerous and frequently small (less than 2 cm), many pets may find them irritating and bothersome. These are ugly on animals because they bleed often, become sick easily, and occasionally exude wax. Many pets have several warty masses, which we can remove one at a time.
