Pet Infectious Diseases

Resistance to bacteria is becoming a growing issue for both humans and our companion animals.

Bacterial Infections

Resistance to bacteria is becoming a growing issue for both humans and our companion animals. At Pet Derm, we specialize in the diagnosis and administration of oral and topically applied drugs to treat resistant bacterial infections. A bacterial culture is necessary for identifying the majority of resistant illnesses. The infected areas can be gently rubbed with a sterile swab to perform a culture, which is then sent to the lab. This process is absolutely noninvasive and painless. However, in some circumstances, a skin biopsy may be necessary to obtain a deeper sample.


Fungal Infections

Numerous different fungal infections might harm our dogs. The most prevalent kinds are superficial fungal diseases like ringworm (dermatophytosis) or yeast overgrowth (Malassezia) (dermatophytosis). With pharmaceutical and topical treatments, many infections are easily curable. Though they can happen, deeper fungal diseases like blastomycosis, cryptococcosis, and sporotrichosis are fortunately less common in our region. It can be challenging to diagnose certain fungi infections, and in severe cases, therapy may take years.