Pet Hormonal Skin and Ear Conditions
What is Cushings?
Special chemicals called hormones move throughout the body to control how specific processes work. Think of them as messengers,’ sending signals to various organs in the body to ensure regular operation. Hormonal illnesses that have numerous detrimental impacts on the body emerge when these signals are conveyed improperly.
When the hormone “cortisol” is produced in an excessive amount, Cushing’s disease results. The stress hormone cortisol is essential to the body’s regular operation. Cortisol receptors can be found in practically every organ system in the body. Thus, Cushing’s disease can affect the body in various ways on a systemic level.
Treatment options
In general, medicinal therapy and surgical intervention are the two ways to address Cushing’s disease. Cushing’s disease is typically treated with medical therapy. One important concept to remember is that the success of Cushing’s treatment is determined by the decline in clinical symptoms, which you’ll need to monitor at home. At yet, we’ll work closely with you to ensure the treatment plan is ideal for your dog. Typically, this entails having numerous, in-depth conversations about how everything is going.